Eta Carinae is a massive and unstable star about 8000 light years away.
What Do Medical Radiation Physicists And Dosimetrists Do?
With my medical radiation physics degree … what do medical radiation physicits do in the hospital. Do they calculate and plan the delivery or radiation and methods to apply doses or is that the radiologists job? Do you have to be a doctor to do that? Also is a dosimetrist a doctor? ….
What Are Some Things That Contribute To Your Personal Dose Of Radiation?
Exposure to sunlight, X-rays and most other forms of medical imaging, flying in an airplane, going in caves or other underground areas (radon exposure is frequent in such areas), consumption of radioactive minerals, such as potassium, coming into contact with uranium-based glazes on certain old plates and cookware, etc.
Question On Radiation Therepy For Oral Cancer?
After surgery, is it normal to have high doses of Radiation for the head and Neck, if Cancer is on the tongue? Also, is 5 days a week, for 20 minutes each session of radiation for 7 weeks total a lot ? How many ppl get long term side effects, such as loss of Saliva […]
Does Anyone Have Info Regarding Radiation As A Means To Prevent Scar Tissue Regrowth?
Two years after rotator cuff surgery I now have scar tissue and am scheduled for surgery to remove it and then one dose of radiation therapy. How does that work??