Rinn Dental X-Ray Film Duplicator
US $150.00 (0 Bid) End Date: Monday Dec-26-2011 14:40:27 PST Bid now | Add to watch list |
Filed Under: X-ray Film
US $150.00 (0 Bid) End Date: Monday Dec-26-2011 14:40:27 PST Bid now | Add to watch list |
Exposure to sunlight, X-rays and most other forms of medical imaging, flying in an airplane, going in caves or other underground areas (radon exposure is frequent in such areas), consumption of radioactive minerals, such as potassium, coming into contact with uranium-based glazes on certain old plates and cookware, etc.
Mir isn’t in orbit anymore, it was decommissioned and burned up in the atmosphere in March, 2001. An astronaut, whether in Mir or in the new International Space Station (ISS) receives about 1 millisievert/day (mSv/day) or 0.365 Sv/yr. Normal overall radiation dose for someone on earth is about 3.5 mSV/year. 4 Sv kills most people, […]